Bibamba Chocolate Announces Results of Heavy Metal Testing
Bibamba Chocolate Announces Results of Heavy Metal Testing February 22 nd , 2023
Careful Agricultural and Fair Labor Practices Make Safer Dark Chocolate
Denver – February 22 nd , 2023 –Denver artisan chocolate company Bibamba Chocolate
announced today the results of heavy metal testing of their signature dark chocolate
The presence of high levels of heavy metals such as lead and cadmium found in dark
chocolate has become an issue of growing concern to dark chocolate consumers. First
reported by Consumer Reports in December 2022, many major news outlets have
reported that several large dark chocolate brands tested high in heavy metals, leaving
dark chocolate lovers wary about the safety of their beloved snack.
Bibamba Chocolate owners Patrick and Mara Tcheunou, who have prioritized
sustainable farming and fair labor practices at their family farm in Cameroon since the
inception of their company, responded quickly to this growing concern about heavy
metals in dark chocolate. They had their signature dark chocolate bark “Noir 60%
Cacao” independently tested by a certified food testing laboratory in early February.
The owners were happy, but not surprised, to learn that Bibamba’s chocolate tested
below the acceptable levels of lead and cadmium, according to California's
maximum allowable dose (MADL). The MADL is currently the most protective
standard in the industry.
“I credit this to our good farming and post-harvesting practices by our farm employees,
who are well compensated, thus are incentivized to follow best practices and
procedures,” Patrick said, referring to the harvesting, fermentation and drying of cacao
beans involved in the manufacture of Bibamba’s chocolate. “Lead is likely deposited on
cocoa beans through dust, mostly during drying.”
Bibamba Chocolate is recognized as Slave-Free Chocolate, meaning they do not use
child labor (which is common in the chocolate industry) and pay their farmers fair wages
and healthcare. This investment is not only the right thing to do – it has also resulted in
better cacao making Bibamba dark chocolate both delicious and safe to eat.